Provide five star customer service to be successful

Serve To Be Served


Rick Katz

1-Star Service

How many times have you quit doing business with a company because of bad service?

If you’re anything like me it’s probably happened a lot.

It’s especially disappointing when you really like what the business offers but they’re customer service sucks.

If you’re reading this you probably are in some kind of business yourself.

How are you treating your clients or customers? It makes a huge difference.


5-Star Service

Whatever business you’re involved in, if you have clients or customers you are in the service business.

You could have the greatest product, program or what have you, but if you don’t understand you’re number one job is SERVICE you’re going to have problems.

Doesn’t matter what your title is, if you want to be successful you must deliver great customer service.

It doesn’t mean you have to put up with rudeness or abuse from clients/customers. Some customers are just bad and nothing you can say or do will change that. But don’t let them change your attitude. Remember it’s their problem not yours.

But more often than not a so called bad customer may just be having a bad day or had a bad experience with your company.

If that’s the case patience and understanding and the right service-minded attitude will usually win them over.


Digital Business Is No Exception

If you’re business is strictly online it’s no excuse to scrimp on great service.

Don’t hide behind your laptop.

Have a way for clients to reach you if they have questions or issues.

Make it easy for them and respond as soon as possible. Even it it’s just a quick note to let them know you’ll be getting back to them shortly. And then get back to them. If you miss the boat, simply apologize and take care of your client.


Benefit of 5-Star Service

I know that for myself when I find a business or business person that treats me right I stick with them forever.

You don’t want to win a client for a day. You want them for life, right?

Of course great service is no substitute for a bad product or program, you need both.

When you have a great offer and back it up with 5-Star service long term success is yours.

They call it the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”