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I can't refer anyone

I Can’t


Rick Katz


Is there anything sadder than hearing someone say the words “I can’t”?

Who told you you can’t do something?

Why can others and not  you?

When you think “I can’t” catch yourself and think “Why can’t I?”.

Determine what is stopping you and find a solution so you can say “I can”.



Why can’t I refer anyone?

If you’re an affiliate or business opportunity builder you need to refer people to your business.

If you say I can’t refer anyone how do you know?

“I tried and I can’t”

I tried to play golf and I sucked but that doesn’t tell me I can’t play. If I practiced I’m sure I could.

Don’t let yourself or anyone else tell you you can’t do something!


Think you don’t know anyone you can refer?

Let’s say you want to make more money so you want to do affiliate or business opportunity marketing.

Think again! Of course you do!

Who referred YOU? Who referred you to your last business opportunity?

Who’s always messaging or calling you to join this or sign up for that?

Those people are your “I Can”.

“I can refer so and so they’re always promoting something, so I know they may have an interest.”


“I can do anything” 

Whatever it is you want to do just remember it’s not for ‘others’ only.

You’re not a second-hand citizen on this planet.

God didn’t create everyone else with special talents and abilities and forgot about you.  


I Can’t or I won’t?

Some people use “I can’t” as an excuse for “I won’t”

Be honest with yourself at least.

Do you really believe you can’t or is it that you just really don’t want to try.

Just as an exercise in your own personal power, next time you think “I can’t” say to yourself “I can” and find a way to do it and give it your 100% all-out best effort.

You just may surprise yourself 🙂